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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


Axis of Resistances refers to countries and movements with common political goal, i.e., resisting against Zionist regime, America and other western powers. Iran, Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas in Palestine are considered as the Axis of Resistance.
Persian Gulf Cooperation Council

Persian Gulf Cooperation Council

A regional political u n i o n consisting of Arab states of the Persian Gulf, except for Iraq.


Taliban is a Sunni fundamentalist movement in Afghanistan. It was founded by Mohammed Omar in 1994.
  Wahhabism & Extremism

Wahhabism & Extremism

Wahhabism is an extremist pseudo-Sunni movement, which labels non-Wahhabi Muslims as apostates thus paving the way for their bloodshed.


Kurds are an ethnic group in the Middle East, mostly inhabiting a region, which spans adjacent parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. They are an Iranian people and speak the Kurdish languages, which form a subgroup of the Northwestern Iranian branch of Iranian languages.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949.
Islamic Awakening

Islamic Awakening

Refers to a revival of the Islam throughout the world, that began in 1979 by Iranian Revolution that established an Islamic republic.


A militant Sunni organization founded by Osama bin Laden at some point between 1988 and 1989
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Map of  Latest Battlefield Developments in Syria and Iraq on
Yemeni Ansarullah Hasn’t Tied Yemen Security to Tehran-Riyadh Détente Agreement

Yemeni Ansarullah Hasn’t Tied Yemen Security to Tehran-Riyadh Détente Agreement

Tuesday 4 April 2023
Saudis if they continue aggression, they suffer consequences. Alwaght- While the recent Iran-Saudi Arabia détente agreement was expected to positively reflect on Yemen war, it seems that the Saudis are looking to the deal separate from the regional tensions, and recent warnings by Yemen&rsquo ...
Is Yemen Prisoner Swap a Catalyst to a War End Agreement?

Is Yemen Prisoner Swap a Catalyst to a War End Agreement?

Sunday 16 April 2023 ،
Saudi Arabia untied the knot of prisoner swap and this, many agree, paves the way to negotiating end of war. Alwaght- The recent Iran-Saudi Arabia détente agreement that ended seven years of tensions between the two countries also carried regional effects. Yemen, one a regional flash points, ...
Delicate Peace in Yemen: What Are the Possible Scenarios?

Delicate Peace in Yemen: What Are the Possible Scenarios?

Thursday 22 June 2023 ،
Saudi Arabia rapprochement agreement, after three months, no change has happened to state of cold peace in the country. This stalemate especially showed itself with failure of the talks on prisoner swap in recent days.  It is important to take into consideration the result of the prisoner exch ...
Yemen Split May Have Been Initiated with ‘Hadhramout National Council’ Codename

Yemen Split May Have Been Initiated with ‘Hadhramout National Council’ Codename

Monday 26 June 2023 ،
Saudi Arabia and the UAE endorse formation of a council in resource-rich Hadhramout to work for its split from Yemen. Alwaght- The course of regional developments over the past few months suggested that Yemen crisis has approached its end after years, but the moves by the Arab coalition indicate tha ...
Yemen’s Ashura Ceremonies Under Enemy Propaganda

Yemen’s Ashura Ceremonies Under Enemy Propaganda

Monday 31 July 2023 ،
Saudi minion President Ali Abdullah Saleh was outlawed and the Shiites faced tough crackdowns.  This situation totally changed in 2014, the year the popular revolution toppled Saleh, and Ansarullah with resolute popular support in Sana'a managed to form the coalition administration known a ...
Yemen’s Ansarullah Delegation in Saudi Arabia: Goals, Implications

Yemen’s Ansarullah Delegation in Saudi Arabia: Goals, Implications

Monday 18 September 2023 ،
Saudi Arabia as the Saudis are concerned about recent warnings by Ansarullah that current state of uncertainty cannot continue. Alwaght- While in recent weeks officials of Yemen’s National Salvation Government (NSG) resumed their warnings to Saudi Arabia that they will not accept the state of ...
Tension in the Red Sea; Ansarullah ready to challenge America

Tension in the Red Sea; Ansarullah ready to challenge America

Monday 15 January 2024 ،
Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar that opening their airspace to American and British aircraft would be considered an official declaration of war against Yemen. Earlier, Sanaa had cautioned that the interests of any member of the American coalition are legitimate targets of Ansarulla ...
Ansarullah will deliver a deliberate and calculated response to the assaults by the U.S. coalition

Ansarullah will deliver a deliberate and calculated response to the assaults by the U.S. coalition

Sunday 14 January 2024 ،
Saudi coalition's pressure for nine years, cannot be subdued by such assaults. Ansarullah, equipped with considerable capabilities, promptly mitigates any damage arising from these attacks. The challenges faced over the past nine years against the Arab coalition far outweigh the magnitude of the ...
Final Winner of Red Sea Face-off: Washington, Sana’a, or Tel Aviv?

Final Winner of Red Sea Face-off: Washington, Sana’a, or Tel Aviv?

Monday 15 January 2024 ،
Saudi-led Arab coalition in the midst of a complete economic blockade, in addition to winning the war against the aggressors have greatly improved their military capabilities in such a way that attacks on commercial ships of Israel and the launch of rockets at the Israeli ports have caught internati ...
Al-Qaeda, a New UAE Pawn in Yemen

Al-Qaeda, a New UAE Pawn in Yemen

Thursday 1 February 2024 ،
Saudis. Alwaght- In March 2015, when Saudi-led Arab military coalition invaded Yemen, it was unthinkable that one day would come when the coalition members fully stand against each other. But this is a reality now after 9 years of war.  The UAE which has made southern Yemen its sphere of influ ...




Details of the funeral ceremony of the president and his companions

Details of the funeral ceremony of the president and his companions